Friday, October 21, 2016

Just a little Longer . . .

Dear Ella-Mae,

My precious daughter, you have turned 13 years old today.  Oh how we had hoped and prayed that we could have had you home by this day.  But we know and trust God's perfect timing & for whatever reasons, He has chosen to make us wait a little longer for each other.  We are very, very grateful the orphanage where you are has let us arrange a birthday party, cake and gifts again for you, but our hearts will ache that we are not together to share this special day with you.

If you were here, you'd be learning what a milestone 13 years old is in America!--You're an official teenager now!  Wow!  That is a big deal!  Your sister has one more year until she reaches that special day & we hear about how excited she is about it, all the time!  She can't wait!  I am praying it will be a happy day for you, but I am also so aware that you've spent 13 years without a mommy & daddy to love you & that this was the last birthday between you & never having a family of your own.  I wonder how many times today, while trying to celebrate this joyous day, you will look forward in fear of the fact that if you are still there next birthday, you forever lose the chance to ever have a forever family of your own.

Oh my sweet girl, I pray God puts your heart at ease.  Enjoy your special day.  You HAVE a family of your very own.  We LOVE you more than you could ever know.  We are COMING!!! . . .  hang in there just a little bit longer.   Here at home we will be celebrating your birth & giving thanks to God for making you, our precious daughter, & look forward to the day, very soon, we are able to treasure you in person!

 Happy 13th Birthday my sweet Ella-Mae!


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